Wednesday, June 19, 2013 / by Martin Millner
How To Improve Your Credit Score
Whether you are planning on purchasing a home in Bucks County, buying a new car, or even rent out an apartment – banks will look at your credit score to determine if you are a risk to them and their company. If you have a high score, that means you are a low risk. The unfortunate fact however is many do not have a high score – simply due to having too much debt, especially on your credit cards. You can however lower your credit score, improving your chances greatly of getting the loan you need to purchase your next dream home or car.
Make several payments on your credit cards all throughout the month. Don’t wait until the end of the month to make a payment on your card. If you make several smaller payments throughout the month, it will help to lower the debt on your card faster, and in turn will increase your credit score.
Don’t take out too many credit cards. The less cards you have, the higher your chances at being a high risk and having a low credit score. If you are not sure if you need credit at a store, don’t apply for it.
Try to not have much debt on your credit cards. You don’t have to max your cards out to their limits, and it’s recommended that you do not do so. You may harm your credit score if you use your credit cards too often.
Are you considering selling or purchasing a home in Yardley, Doylestown or Langhorne? Call me today at 215-519-1399 to discuss your options.