Friday, March 20, 2015 / by Martin Millner
Teach Your Teen Safe Driving Tips Early
Remember when you got your license? You were excited, scared, and nervous to get behind the wheel by yourself – all at the same time. You also couldn’t wait to pick up your friends and go for a ride.
If you are the parent of a teenager, it’s important for you to know they feel the same exact way. They’re ready for that freedom – for that next step in life. However, in today’s world, things are a little different. There are so many other distractions such as cell phones and Bluetooth – that it makes it much easier for anyone to take their eyes off the road. And unfortunately, it’s that “split-second” decision that can be catastrophic.
According to, teenagers only represent approximately 7% of licensed drivers. However, over 20% of fatal crashes involve teenage drivers.
Make sure teenagers know to adhere to the following:
· Always wear a seatbelt.
· Obey speed limits.
· Stay out of the way of aggressive drivers.
· Don’t watch your friends wrestle in the back seat, or put on makeup while you’re driving. In other words, don’t take your eyes off the road.
· If you’re tired, pull over.
· Never Text And Drive
Be sure to discuss safe driving with your teen driver. It just might save their life – or another’s.
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